Organic Household Consultant
To help you Geaux Organic in your home!
In your life!
Jennifer Griffith, MS
Your Organic Household Consultant
As a former Chemistry Teacher, Athletic Trainer, Property Management (And, too many other roles to list), I am uniquely qualified to help you Geaux Organic in your life.
Ever heard of the “Canary in the Coal Mine?” I can detect toxins before the average person.
As the founder of GeauxOrganic.com, I am here to share tips for you to create a healthy home and stay there.
My journey going from deathly ill to thriving adds to my unique qualifications. It is also one to glean from, and one I willingly share with others.
My passion is to help YOU Geaux Organic BEFORE YOUR health dictates that you MUST.
I have experienced life, ahem… near death, in a chemical stupor!
And, I have experienced LIFE living clean and free of artificial toxic products!
Believe me, the latter is way better than you can image.
But, most of you live in between, and have not connected the dots to a multitude of health issues to the the toxins you’ve accepted as a normal way of life.
Many people get overwhelmed by all of the product choices, and most people have no clue the dangers found in the products they use, wear or consume on a daily basis.
I am here to help you Geaux Organic TODAY!
You Can Hire ME to Geaux Organic– Your Organic Household Consultant
Initial Consultation in your home — $250 (2 hours)
- Talk about your current quality of life
- Provide a checklist of priorities.
- Go through each room to identify toxic products that are putting you and your family at risk
- Shop for safe alternatives on line
- Bookmark websites and places to purchase safe products that will enhance your quality of life.
Follow Up– $50/hr + travel time if over 20 minutes drive
- Whatever is needed
- Grocery shopping
- Evaluate your current household toxicity level
On-line Consultation– $175
- Two hour Skype Session or phone call
- A checklist of priorities to make your home healthier for you and your family
- Access to on-line options to replace your toxic products, and more!
Hire ME to Geaux Organic
Your Organic Household Consultant
This Canary knows the Coal Mine!