Want to know how organic coconut oil pulling saved my teeth?
And, Money?
About three years ago I had a scare.
While looking in my rear-view mirror, I checked my teeth for “spinach.”
I did not find anything green, but I found something brown.

Sure it wasn’t anything serious, I rubbed.
It stayed.
I scraped it with my finger-nail.
The spot did not budge. And, when I examined further, I found a total of SIX brown spots! Three on each side of my mouth. They seemed to have appeared out of no where.
My heart began to RACE, along with my mind!
I couldn’t afford a dentist–in more ways than one. And, dental work had caused some serious health issues in my life. It increased my toxic burden, ushered in migraines, and caused organ and gland issues that almost took my life.
I’d worked so hard to get to where I was, up off the floor and standing on my own two feet–NOT THIS!
A panic attack hit.
At that time, I was leaving in a few months to live in a Third World country–Swaziland, for mission work, for almost 3 months. My ticket to South Africa had already been purchased–nonrefundable.
I had about $500 to my name.
There was NO WAY I could go back to Tijuana, Mexico–but that’s now the only place I trust to go. A thought settled in, I’d had dental work done in one Third World Country, why not another one?
“God,” I prayed, “I need You to help me.”
That evening, I recalled an acquaintance from Teton Valley who had shared about “oil pulling” (aka “Oil Swishing”). She claimed that she saw a drastic improvement in her oral health–healthier gums and whiter teeth, and over all health. When she learned of my experience with mercury poisoning from my amalgam fillings, she encouraged me to try.
To be honest, I thought she was totally whacked, as she described how the viscosity and nature of the oil helped to eliminate toxins from her mouth. This was several years prior to the recent scientific research I’d found, which backs up what she shared.
Her suggestion was then stored away in my unofficial “natural medicine files” in my brain. Her face, her explanation, all jumped out of the files at this perfect time.
I’d also held lengthy conversations with my friend Blaire who sold raw milk products alongside of my granola stand at the Teton Valley farmer’s market during the summers. (I miss those days!)
Blaire’s wealth of holistic living principles peaked my interest. I was in the process of rebounding from my pharmaceutical injury, and wanted to glean from the wealth she offered.
Blaire shared how Dr. Weston Price traveled the world to discover the causes of tooth decay. He discovered that many indigenous tribes smiled with perfectly aligned teeth and had minimal tooth decay–until exposed to the Western Diet.
The diets of healthy native groups contained at least ten times more vitamin A and vitamin D than the American diet of his day! These vitamins are found only in animal fats–butter, lard, egg yolks, fish oils and foods with fat-rich cellular membranes like liver and other organ meats, fish eggs and shell fish. [1]
Eating “modern food” was a common link not only to tooth decay and crowded teeth, but also bone loss and chronic illness.
Part of this conclusion is even supported by the American Dental Association:
“[Tooth decay] occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.”
As I searched more, I found other things to add to this regime that made sense to me. Some suggestions came from the Weston Foundation, and more.
What I did!
This is what worked for me:
1] Oil Pulling– Morning and Night
Organic Coconut Oil, and add essential oils to enhance the feel of your mouth
I currently rotate the essential oils of Peppermint, Spearmint, Thieves, Grapefruit, Rosemary, Melrose or Tea Tree.
How do you Oil Swish/Pull?
- Take about a 2-3 Tsp of Coconut oil and put in mouth.
- Add 1-2 drops of essential oil of your choice [I only recommend this brand]
- Swish mixture in your mouth as you would mouthwash for 20 minutes
- NOTE: Do NOT swallow! There’s now a bunch of junk in it!
- Spit it out into your garbage can, as it WILL clog your drain
Why do I use Organic Coconut Oil?
Organic Coconut oil has bacteria-fighting benefits, contains lauric acid known for its anti-microbial agents, and will not add pesticides and herbicides to your body.
Oil Pulling also helps to massage your gums, increase circulation, help remove plaque and debris, enhance your breath, helps to whiten your teeth, boost your immune system, and more
This is where I recently found the best price on Organic Coconut Oil, and so many more organic products. During the month of June 2015 you get 25% off your first order!
2] Green Pastures Butter Oil and Fermented Cod Liver Oil–
morning and night

The Weston A. Price Foundation recommends fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO) as a great source of healthy fats for the body. I chose the Cod Liver Oil/High Vitamin Butter Oil due to the high concentration of the fat-soluble vitamins A,D, E and K. These vitamins are important to hundreds of processes in the body, including brain development. They are also important components of the tooth remineralization process. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the body, and leads to healthy cell and hormone balance. They are especially important during pregnancy and for children while their brains are developing.
This product is carried here, and for the month of June, get 25% off.
3] Cell salts help to re-mineralize your teeth – morning, noon and night.
- Calcium Phos 6X – bone health, assists in building strong teeth.
- Calcium Fluor 6X – helps to improve tooth enamel and strengthening bones.
- Magnesium Phos 6X – bone development & pain relief associated with toothaches.
- Silica 6X – helps build strong connective tissue to support assimilation.
This is where I’ve found the best price on cell salts.
4] Collagen — 1 Tbsp once a day
This much needed nutrient helps to anchor our teeth to our gums. Though I liked to make bone broth soup, time and refrigerator/freezer does not always permit this domestic task on a regular basis.

A friend turned me on to Great Lakes Collagen, which I quickly added to my daily regiment.
The best price on Great Lakes products was also found here. Save an additional 25% when purchased in June 2015.
After three months of faithfully following this routine, all six spots were GONE!!!
And, they have not returned almost 3 years later!
My oral health is so much better when I oil swish, and adding in essential oils makes it even more refreshing to the mouth.
Needless to say, I am a huge fan of oil pulling, and following the principles of Dr Weston Price.
*This post would be lacking if I did not mention this very important preventative method.
It is vital to the health of your teeth to minimize your consumption of all processed sugar and products, grains, and nuts, and eat clean, whole foods, healthy fats and proteins.
Our nutrient consumption makes a big difference in our lives. With the proper immune boost, our bodies can recover the way that God designed.
This is How Organic Coconut Oil Pulling Helped to Save My Teeth!
I oily pull almost every single day!
It’s a part of my detoxification regiment that keeps me afloat.
Have you tried this before? If so, please share your experience.
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