Got Collagen? Need Collagen!
Got friends whose conversations light up with health talk from hello?
Including, Got collagen? Well, you NEED Collagen!
I have a few.
My friend Susan will forever be connected with collagen hydrolysate.
I’d met Susan back in 2012 right after I moved from Teton Valley, Wydaho to Baton Rouge, and she’d already lost over 100 lbs. She looked fabulous and was living healthy for the first time in her life–after removing all wheat from her life.
Susan remains on a mission to stay healthy, and is a HORN for the dangers of the Standard American Diet (SAD).
We connected almost at hello!
During one of our many conversations about my health, Susan mentioned that adding Great Lakes collagen into my daily life would render great benefits. Another friend Blaire, from Teton Valley, shared a wealth of information on bone-broth and collagen, along with so many other healthy-talk tips. I made my share of bone-broth soup when I lived there. And, I LOVE it!
But, sometimes my life doesn’t allow me to be so domestic and make my own. It’s nice to have a back up option during those times.
As I approached my departure for Swaziland for mission work, Susan gave me enough Collagen Hydrolysate (made by Great Lakes) to last me three months. Susan is someone who always puts action behind her beliefs.
When something would benefit another, she made sure they had it.
What is Collagen Hydrolysate?
From the company’s site, here’s the description.
Hydrolyzed Collagen is the unique combination of amino acids in concentrated levels that promotes rapid re-production of blood cells for healing and conditioning over other proteins especially for bone and joint health care. This low molecular weight protein is easily digested for healthy enrichment in minutes after ingestion. It will not congeal because it has been hydrolyzed for quick assimilation and improved hydration to the connective tissue. Collagen is important to nitrogen balance, now considered an anti-aging product as it supports age related cartilage damage, and collagen loss. [1]
Weston A. Price Foundation emphasizes that gelatin has proline and glycine, which are amino acids needed to keep our bones, joints, muscles and skin healthy. Sufficient natural production occurs only in a perfectly healthy person.
While in Swaziland, I faithfully took collagen each day. Before I left southern Africa to return to the states, I noticed that my hair grew faster than it’d ever grown in my life.
But, to be honest I didn’t connect it to the collagen. I’d taken quite a few things on a daily basis.

I continued to consume it a bit longer upon my return. I stopped when I ran out due to a shift in budgetary needs.
Several months later, my hair had been cut shorter than it’d been in years. The state of my hair had been compromised by repeated use of a flat-iron on my super fine hair. (I used it daily in Swaziland, and I wonder how much longer my hair would’ve been had I not.)
I want longer hair, but only a head of healthy hair. Not scraggly-looking long.
Over the course of this past year, I’d added back in other supplements that I’d taken while in Swaziland, but my hair still grew VERY SLOW.
I realized that the one supplement that was missing in the mix– collagen.
Oh, I took some here and there, but not enough to impact anything.
And, my face had also accumulated more “laugh lines.” My cheeks looked like a dried up lake-bed during a long summer drought. But, I said, “I am 50, after all.”
A month ago, I added collagen back into my daily life, mixing it with the Natural Calm and Alkalime, I’d already taken.
And, guess what?!? My hair is growing much faster again. Even my 5-year-old God-daughter noticed, and that’s huge. (She never did like my hair cut short. LOL…and neither did I!)
Hair growth is not the only benefit of collagen, but as a woman, I like this benefit.
And, my skin has started to change for the better. It now looks like a long-awaited mist of rain has come.
Skin and hair, aside, there are other amazing benefits to consuming collagen on a daily basis, no matter how you decide to take it in.
And, not the least of these is how it helps to heal the gut–the place where ALL health starts or dies.
Need Collagen! The Benefits!
I know you want to experience these other benefits, too.
- Promotes healthy nails, hair, teeth and skin by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and cellulite.
- Helps to protect and heal the lining of the digestive tract. (Enhances gut health)
- Minimizes the effects of food allergies and sensitivities. (Heal the gut, reduce allergies and sensitivities)
- Facilitates growth and balance of probiotics. (Enhances gut health!! Seeing a pattern here?)
- Helps break down proteins.
- Helps to increase the absorption of bone-building minerals, preventing bone loss, eases joint pain, and helps joints recover quicker from abuse.
- Collagen naturally binds to water. This helps food move through the digestive system better. (Here’s the gut again!)
- Collagen is not easily absorbed through the skin. Don’t waste money on creams with that claim.
Got Collagen? How do I like to consume?
- Before bedtime, I mix 1/2 tbsp GL Collagen Hydrolysate with 1 Tsp Nature’s Calm and 1 Tsp Alkalime, and I drink it.
- Or, make lemon curds and mix a few tablespoons into the delish snack.
- Add a tablespoon to a smoothie.
- Add to your coffee or tea, along with a spoon of coconut oil.
- Use the kind that gels [GL Unflavored Beef Gelatin in orange can] to add collagen to any home-made soup.
- Use the orange can kind to make gummy bears, jello, pudding, or whatever I want to have that giggly texture
Where do you get Great Lakes Collagen or Natural Calm at the most affordable price?
Product Name | Amazon | I-herb | Thrive Market |
Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate | $21.70 and up | $21.49 | $16.45 |
Great Lakes Unflavored Beef Gelatin, Kosher, 16 oz | $18.99 and up | $18.99 | $13.45 |
Natural Vitality Natural Calm-- 8oz | $18.89 and up | $15.36 | $12.95 |
Go here to compare prices of other amazing products found at Thrive Market.
Got AlkaLime? Need Alkalime!
Since adding AlkaLime into my nightly routine with collagen and extra magnesium, my sleep pattern has been normalized. I wake up more rested than ever. The infusion of essential oils enhances the absorption of my cells with the needed minerals found in this product, as well as all other nutrients consumed with it. And, this helps to keep my body more alkaline in nature.

AlkaLime® is a precisely-balanced alkaline mineral complex formulated to neutralize acidity and maintain desirable pH levels in the body. Infused with lemon and lime essential oils and organic whole lemon powder, AlkaLime also features enhanced effervescence and biochemic cell salts for increased effectiveness. A balanced pH is thought to play an important role in maintaining overall health and vigor. [2]
Want to learn more about this line of products?
Geaux here, and give me a shout out if you Got Questions.
Got Collagen? You need it!
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