Today we celebrate “freedom” in the USA. Health freedom is up there with religious freedom for me.
Therefore, in the wake of the mysterious the death of 3 well-known alternative doctors,
I am disturbed.
- The death of all three alternative doctors occurred in a matter of just 10 days.
- One is said to be suicide, but it’s a highly suspect situation.
- One died mysteriously in his car, which was not running.
- And, another was clearly murdered.
At this point, only God really knows.
Mysterious Deaths of Three Alternative Doctors
According to various on-line sites, both Jeff Bradstreet, MD and Bruce Hedendal DC Ph.D had run-ins with the feds due to their unconventional, yet highly effective medical treatments. Both were advocates for vaccine-choice. And, Dr. Bradstreet’s office was raided by the FDA only weeks before his death.
And, just days after the death of Bradstreet and Hedendal, alternative doctor, Teresa Sievers, MD was found murdered in her upscale home in Bonita Springs, Fl.
All three of these Florida physicians used natural remedies with a holistic approach to treat patients. (As opposed to mainstream practices, which rely heavily upon pharmaceutical remedies with allopathic principles.)
Bradstreet was a well-known opponent to vaccines and was outspoken about their connections to autism. His own autistic son set him on the path to find the cause and treatment for this debilitating condition. The right to choose vaccinations, or not, was part of his platform.
And, it’s clear to me from various Facebook posts by Dr. Hedendal, he stood on the side of vaccine choice, too:
MEASLES SCMEESLES! Don’t vaccinate before you educate”!!! View this video then go to Don’t make the drug companies rich off your fear and ignorance of the truth. Health is your best immune defense, not Mercury-laden injections. Peace (posted on 2/10/15)
(At this point, it’s unclear to me of Sievers’ stance regarding vaccines.)
Is all of this related?
I do not know.
But what I will say is this, it’s interesting!
Alternative Doctors Have to Fight…
All of the Time!
Due to my history involving a life-threatening pharmaceutical injury, my heros are the physicians who treat out of the “pill box.”
If not for their courage in the aftermath of my life-threatening pharmaceutical injections, I would not be alive.
Alternative or holistic physicians battle to stay in practice.
Their fight includes:
- The “quackery” stigma.
- Additional cost of treatments caused by federal “crackdowns.”
- Constant fight of state legislation and medical boards.
- They fight for people like me, whose body cannot tolerate pharmaceuticals due to chemical sensitivities.
Pharmaceuticals are ALL man-made, chemical alterations of natural solutions. They have to be, in order to qualify for a patent.
Patent = lots of money
The freedom to chose natural medical care has tight restraints.
- Not covered by insurance companies
- Costly
- Hard to find holistic physicians
These three deaths also come in the wake of:
- FDA sends warning letter to many natural supplement companies about Ebola and Cancer claims–Sept 2014
- Florida US Representative, Frederica S. Wilson introduced H.R.2232 – Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015 to House — May 1, 2015
- California passed mandatory vaccine law for school children — June 30, 2015
The US experienced an “Ebola outbreak” aka “perceived threat.” (Really??)
Freedom of Health?
Following the perception of a USA Ebola threat in 2014, and the subsequent posts regarding supplements that would help, the FDA then sent warnings.
Letters were sent to various companies for their distributors and consumers to stop making claims about their products with Ebola and cancer.
What followed was a huge overhaul for compliance. This included the removal of private Facebook groups where users of these products shared what worked for them.
Pintrest boards with recipes for particular conditions came down. Blog posts on websites were taken down, or edited for compliance.
(Sidenote: A threat had to be “perceived” for vaccine funding.)
Health freedom — personal freedom, took a big hit. And, arguably, freedom of speech.
Then, California mandated that school children must be vaccinated in June 2015.
No more personal freedom, religious freedom for the parents/people to chose.
(Watch the numbers of homeschooled children in California rise.)
And, then this irony.
It’s a Florida US Representative who introduced the mandatory vaccination policy for ALL school children, nationwide.
Could be ….
Health Freedom
There is NO greater freedom, other than that found in Jesus Christ, than individuals who have the right to chose what goes into your own body. Or, that of your child.
When the government mandates that you no longer have jurisdiction over your own health, a fundamental freedom is lost.
(This right has slowly been taken away. I’d argue, maybe in another post, that a huge chunk occurred with Obama Care.)

Vaccines are a part of my health history. I’d like to change that, but sadly, history is unchangeable.
From what I can piece together, I had the 3-5 that were required in the mid to late 1960’s. I then had an additional series in the early 1990’s. The latter series were “required” to enter my doctoral program. (Note: My health began to rapidly deteriorate after that series.)
With what I know now, and what I personally experienced, I WILL NOT allow another vaccine, or any other pharmaceutical, into my bloodstream.
I firmly believe that parents should be able to take a stance for their own children.
As a person who walks a very fine line due to Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, ALL of this is very disturbing.
Is all of this a coincidence?
Could be …
But, what clearly is not a coincidence, we are losing our rights!
One subtle, and not so subtle, strike-of-the-pen at a time.
Coincidence or not, I am saddened at the loss of health freedom in the wake of government action. I am saddened at the loss of more freedom of speech. And, the right to choose natural, homeopathic vaccinations, versus those filled with heavy metals and other toxins. (I homeopathic vaccinations while spending 3 months in southern Africa.)
I am mostly saddened that 3 “heros”– 3 alternative doctors, can no longer help the thousands who have sought natural help, and got found it through them.
Alternative medicine took a tremendous hit during those 10 days.
Dr Jeff Bradstreet, Dr Bruce Hedendal and Dr Teresa Sievers,
Your lives were not in vain. Thank you for serving your patients through the hippocratic oath, and with grace, from what I can read.
And, America?
Wake up!
The tsunami is here!
Wake up! Speak up!
Your health freedom is at stake!
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