These 5 Don’ts and Do’s to Thrive in a Chemical World came in on the heel of a big reminder event
I live with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and the fight is not over.
Though I have reached points of thriving in this chemical world, it’s a fine point to sit upon. I walk a thin line of merely surviving to thriving.
I fell off that point, that line, a few days ago.
I wore clothing washed in bleach, and it almost got the best of me.
Migraine, sore throat, respiratory irritations, no energy, glossy eyes, foggy mind…I was heading downhill fast.
I immediately went into a proactive mode.
- Increased my probiotics intake — Sauerkraut, Life 5 Probiotics
- Coffee enemas–Increase glutathione-S production, release toxic buildup in liver and gallbladder (I know this sounds strange, but hang in there! The history behind this is the real deal.)
- NAET treatments – Reduce reactions to chemicals (Thank you to friends who help me with this.)
- Chiropractic adjustments -Reduce pain from migraine
- Healing Code – Get to root of why I compromise, there’s always a root to our “why”
- Ionic Footbath Detox – Reduce burden on body
- Thankful that I could rest as I heal
(I am still healing from this exposure 4 days later. Praying this compromise will not take months, or years like others have.)
A greater conviction to NOT compromise has come in. I cannot allow even the slightest breach in my regiment.
(This can be an exhausting effort, but it’s worth thriving in this world.)
As I look back over the past few weeks, I can see many small breaches that set me up for this big fall.
It’s just not worth the cost on my ability to thrive.
I have too much to do for the glory of God.
I write this as a reminder to myself, and to you who may also struggle with chronic health issues, including MCS.
Or, you may simply want to prevent your own health issues from manifesting.
(Prevention is the best approach.)
I have found these daily practices imperative to staying above the fog of this struggle.
5 Don’ts to Thrive in a Chemical World
Avoid sugar at all cost, including super sweet fruit
Sugar feeds candida albicans. This fungus is toxic to the body, and many people unknowingly suffer because of it. It’s by-product is poisonous as well.
All of this leads to an overburdened liver– detoxification system of our body.
And, avoiding sugar is also a great preventative measure for cancer. (Cancer is a fungus, too, ya know!)
2. Protect the eco-system of your gut
Exposing our body to bleach, chlorine-wipes, anti-bacterial soaps, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, all kill off the “probiotics” needed to keep candida in check.
And, let’s not overlook antibiotics. Not just the ones (overly) prescribed by your physician, but also the “non prescribed” antibiotics found in our food supply– beef, chicken, eggs, milk.
And, with this being the heat of summer, I have often found myself in the path of the mosquito abatement airplanes and trucks. Sigh….
3. Coffee and Caffeine
What does coffee and caffeine have to do with it?
It’s important to consume only organic coffee. I find that a difficult task when wanting java away from the house, but this site has wonderful coffee to brew yourself.
And, blood-sugar levels rise when caffeine is consumed, offering candida more food, more energy.
Choosing an organic decaffeinated coffee is MOST important. Companies often use formaldehyde (a neurotoxin and preserves dead things) to pull the caffeine out of the beans. (I’ve gotten many a migraines when I do not heed this warning.)
Here’s a strong argument why drinking only organic coffee matters!
4. Avoid Grains conventionally grown grains (GMO) of the modern world are not the same as the grains of ancient times.
… animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. [1]
Eating GMO food increase your herbicide and pesticide consumption, and increased the chance of allergic reactions to foods. Grains also elevate your blood sugar.
Genes inserted into GM soy… can transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside us…the toxic insecticide produced by GM corn was found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses. [2]
5. Remove Bleaching Agents and Fragrances from Your Laundry Practice
When you consider that you wear your laundry–clothes, bedding– 24/7, it is imperative that you NOT compromise in this area. Use products with the safest ingredients when doing your laundry.
5 Do’s (Geaux to’s) to Thrive in a Chemical World
1. Geaux to a Healthier Sweet
I have not been able to kick my love for something sweet. I think it’s in my southern upbringing, especially growing up around New Orleans. (Or, candida screaming to be fed)

Blueberries, blackberries or Raspberries are the best choices for “fruit.”
Berries tend to be lower in sugar.
If you like sweet and creamy, this is a wonderful treat.
Low-Carb Lemon Curd
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice from organic lemons
3 extra large organic eggs (Chose local)
1/2 cup Swerve sweetner (Best price found here)
7 tablespoons organic unsalted butter
Sweet Leaf Vanilla Stevia to taste– (Best price found here)
1. Put ingredients in a saucepan and heat over low heat.
2. Whisk until the mixture is thick.
3. Store in the fridge in an airtight container.
2. Geaux to Products that Preserve Gut-bacteria
Using essential oils to boost your immune system to fight off the “uglies” of life is a superb option for you and your family.
Essential oils not only enhance the quality of your life when consumed or diffused, but are also wonderful to clean with, add to your laundry, linens, your life!
This is the only brand that has currently passed the “canary test” (purity, with no chemical fillers or other additives)!
It’s also the only brand with a “Seed to Seal” purity guarantee.
3. Geaux to Tea Instead of Coffee
I know, I know… it’s just not the same as coffee. I feel your pain. However, it’s arguably much healthier for you.
How about this!
Since, it’s SUMMER, and quite possibly HOT (definitely in South Louisiana), replace your coffee

experience with organic green tea, or Matcha, or another herbal tea, over ice.
(I know there are tea purest who will only drink it hot, and that’s even better, but when the heat is turned up, iced tea, it is.)
And, making headlines lately has been dandelion root “coffee.”
Dandelion root helps to purify your blood, and may help regulate blood sugar and blood pressure. It also increases urine output, helps with digestion and gallbladder function.
Here’s great place to find this coffee replacement.
4. Use Coconut Flour or Almond Meal for Baked Goods

You can search the web for many amazing recipes using coconut flour or almond meal.
I personally like coconut due to low in digestible carbs, and high in fiber and protein.
I try to limit my nut intake due to mold content and phytic acid, which can do a number on your teeth due to blocking mineral absorption. Phytic acid can also disrupt enzyme activity for protein digestion.
But, almond meal is a nice substitute at times.
The best prices I have found on both types of flours are here.
Some of my favorite recipes from another southern soul are on Satisfying Eats. Melissa knows how to convert traditional “southern comforts” into healthier alternative.
5. Geaux Organic with your Laundry

There are many product lines that I like to use, such as BioKleen. But, I also like to use Borax and Thieves Cleaner for my laundry needs, or various cleaning products from Healthy Home Company.
Dryer sheets can be replaced with a “wool ball” and essential oils.
*Though I appreciate most of the products that Thrive Market carries, PLEASE do NOT ever use Mrs Meyers! They are not safe for this “canary.”
There you have it.
My 5 Don’ts and Do’s to Thrive in a Chemical World
that came to my renewed attention today!
NOW, comment below on your favorite tip to help YOU thrive!
Each comment on my blog is an entry into a drawing for a prize each month!
Possible prizes include:
Bottle of Essential Oil, Organic Coffee, Essential Oil Carry-case, EO Reference Guide,
Young Living Product
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